Author Topic: Disqualification of Russian Linguists  (Read 1322 times)

Offline repl2

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Disqualification of Russian Linguists
« on: 19 December 2020, 16:25:47 »
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As well as Russian sportsmen and Russia as a country were disqualified from Olympic Games, Russian linguists and Russia as a country have to be disqualified from Internation Linguistics Olympiad, International Congress of Linguists and so on.

The point is that Russian Federation has a law that in fact forbades any progress of writing systems: so called "law about unified graphic basis". De facto it means that peoples who were forced by terror to use cyrillic in Stalin time can change nothing!

So accepting Russian linguists you accept this Russian "linguistics".

Russian linguists usually say that they are "beyond politics", but in practice in means that Russian science is directly regulated by politicians...

See also:

I think that Russia as a country should be disqualified for such a linguistic politics. Each Russian linguist should clearly state that he or she understands that repressions of writing systems are an unacceptable thing (especially if you call yourself a linguist...), and disagrees with such Russian linguistic politics, or be disqualified too
« Last Edit: 19 December 2020, 16:29:18 by repl2 »
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