Author Topic: Проверка параметров списков BBCode  (Read 2012 times)

Offline Bhudh

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description: The list tag encloses a list. Each item in the list must be enclosed in li tags. The type property of the list tag lets you specify a few bullet formats, as well as several counting formats. Some of the list types might not work in some browsers.

  • type (optional) one of the following: none, disc, circle, square, decimal, decimal-leading-zero, lower-roman, upper-roman, lower-alpha, upper-alpha, lower-greek, lower-latin, upper-latin, hebrew, armenian, georgian, cjk-ideographic, hiragana, katakana, hiragana-iroha and katakana-iroha.

[list type=none]
  • list item
  • another list item
  • another list item

[list type=decimal]
  • list item
  • another list item
  • another list item

[list type=decimal-leading-zero]
  • list item
  • another list item
  • another list item

[list type=lower-latin]
  • list item
  • another list item
  • another list item

[list type=upper-latin]
  • list item
  • another list item
  • another list item

[list type=lower-alpha]
  • list item
  • another list item
  • another list item

[list type=upper-alpha]
  • list item
  • another list item
  • another list item
[list type=lower-greek]
  • list item
  • another list item
  • another list item

[list type=lower-roman]
  • list item
  • another list item
  • another list item

[list type=upper-roman]
  • list item
  • another list item
  • another list item

[list type=disc]
  • list item
  • another list item
  • another list item

[list type=square]
  • list item
  • another list item
  • another list item

[list type=circle]
  • list item
  • another list item
  • another list item

[list type=cjk-ideographic]
  • list item
  • another list item
  • another list item
[list type=hebrew]
  • list item
  • another list item
  • another list item

[list type=armenian]
  • list item
  • another list item
  • another list item

[list type=georgian]
  • list item
  • another list item
  • another list item

[list type=hiragana]
  • list item
  • another list item
  • another list item

[list type=katakana]
  • list item
  • another list item
  • another list item

[list type=hiragana-iroha]
  • list item
  • another list item
  • another list item

[list type=katakana-iroha]
  • list item
  • another list item
  • another list item


description: The li tag creates list items. This is a block level tag, and can contain any other tag, but must be placed only in [list] tags. The bullet style of the list items is controlled by the type parameter of the [list] tag, but alternate forms of the [li] tag can be used to vary the bullet style of individual list items.
  • [o] circle
  • [O] circle
  • [0] circle
  • [li] disc
  • [*] disc
  • [@] disc
  • [+] square
  • [x] square
  • [#] square

See also: CSS list-style-type
Jestem dokładny i dociekliwy. (Wg Pinii.)
Всё, что нужно для торжества зла — это бездействие добрых людей. Поэтому бездействовать не надо. Алексей Навальный