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Заговор для пчелиного рояWið ymbe nim eorþan, oferweorp mid þīnre swīþran
handa under þīnum swīþran fēt, and cwet:
Fō ic under fōt, funde ic hit.
Hwæt, eorðe mæȝ, wið ealra wihta ȝehwilce
And wið andan, and wið ǣminde
And wið þā micelan mannes tunȝan.
And wiððon forweorp ofer ȝrēot, þonne hī swirman, and cweð:
Sitte ȝē, siȝewif, siȝað tō eorþan!
Nǣfre ȝē wilde tō wuda flēoȝan.
Bēo ȝē swā ȝemindiȝe mīnes ȝōdes,
swā bið manna ȝehwilc metes and eþeles.
Against [a swarm of bees], take some earth, throw it down with your right hand under your right foot, and speak:I seize it under foot, I’ve found it now.
Lo! Earth has might over all creatures
and against malice and over mindlessness
and over the mighty man with his mighty tongue.
And thereupon, when they swarm, throw gravel over them and speak:Victory-wives! Sit down, sink to the earth now!
Never to the woodland wild may you fly.
Be so mindful of my fortune,
as folks all are of food and home.