В Польше сейчас запрещены аборты. Интересно было бы посмотреть, какой процент поляков поддержали бы этот запрет, если бы им предложили референдум. Пытался нагуглить про опросы по этой теме, нашёл разные данные:
https://n-e-n.ru/net-abortov/После введения запрета на аборты в Польше начали проходить акции протеста. Опросы показывали, что трое из четырех поляков выступают за решения вопроса на референдуме, а не силами парламента. За возвращение к легализации абортов тогда проголосовали 53 процента жителей страны.
Тем не менее, в 1993 году парламент запретил аборты, сделав три исключения: опасность для здоровья или жизни матери, изнасилование или инцест и аномалия плода.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abortion_in_PolandIn a 2014 poll on abortion by the CBOS Public Opinion Research Center, 65% of Poles viewed abortion as immoral and unacceptable and only 27% viewed it as acceptable, a drop of 4% compared to an older poll from 2009.[62] In a CBOS poll from February 2014, more than half of the participants (55%) opposed the right to abortion on request. Furthermore, 71% of the participants believed abortion on request was inappropriate. At the same time, over one-third (37%) thought that abortion should be permitted.[58]
A CBOS poll from 2013 found that 75% of Poles think abortion is "always wrong and can never be justified". Only 7% thought there was "nothing wrong with it and could always be justified".[65]
In a poll from 2019, 58% of respondents said that "Women in Poland should have the right to abortion on demand up to the 12th week of pregnancy", 35% was against and 7% of respondents had no opinion on that topic.[59]
A poll undergone during the first week of the October-November 2020 Polish protests found that 22% of respondents support abortion on demand to the 12th week of pregnancy, 62% support it only in certain circumstances, 11% support making abortion fully illegal while 5% are undecided.[60]
An OKO.press poll from May 2022 found that 66% of Polish respondents supported allowing abortion up to the 12th week of pregnancy.[61] According to this poll, 83% of women and 80% of men aged 18 to 39 supported abortion. In comparison, 57% of men and 52% of women aged 60 or older supported abortion. Support for abortion also differed between rural and urban Poles, with 78% of respondents living in cities with more than 100,000 inhabitants supporting abortion, compared to only 58% of respondents from rural areas.[61]
Т.е. результаты опросов очевидно противоречат друг другу. Ну в России многие понимают, как выглядят манипулятивные опросы. Я уверен, что на референдуме идея запрета абортов была бы разгромлена, как в штатах США:
https://theconversation.com/abortion-rights-referendums-are-winning-with-state-by-state-battles-over-rights-replacing-national-debate-193490During the November 2022 midterms, voters added protection for the right to get an abortion to constitutions in California, Vermont and Michigan. Kentucky voters were asked a reverse version of this question – whether the state constitution should bar abortions. They said no.
Kentucky’s vote is similar to an August 2022 referendum on abortion that was held in Kansas. Fifty-nine percent of people in Kansas – a state with a history of anti-abortion policies and activism – voted to keep state constitutional protection of abortion rights.
По-моему здесь складывается классическая ситуация — правящая верхушка навязывает населению разную ерунду, не спрашивая его мнения. В одних странах у власти сейчас леваки, а в Польше КГМ-нутые праваки, а суть особо не меняется. Так что по-моему все проблемы западного общества — от нехватки демократии...