У нас мусульман любят. Свои люди, сало едят, водку пьют.
Думаете, не пьет?
Чеченцы, скажем так, употребляют.
Quote from: Leo on 18 October 2023, 23:04:09 разве готы связаны с кем-то из современных народов ?Так и мавры Кордовского Халифата, о которых вспоминал т. Питоненко, ни с кем из современных народов не связаны. Разве что сохраняются легенды в Северной Африке.
разве готы связаны с кем-то из современных народов ?
Да где сейчас газету найдешь.
Пардон, а халиф разве не пророков родственник?
откуда там «арабы»? мавры не были «арабами», тов. поручик
а мавры ланкийские или филиппинские это тоже берберы?
филиппинские мавры в Аль-Андалузе? что еще расскажете?
с какого перепугу мавры вдруг стали берберами ?
The natives of Hispania viewed the Berbers in a similar way as the Byzantines viewed the Arabs, as barbarians, and feared an invasion by them. According to Ahmad al-Maqqari’s chronicle:[17][18]Quote Whenever some of the scattered tribes of Berbers inhabiting along the northern coast of Africa happened to approach the sea shore, the fears and consternation of the Greeks [Iberians] would increase, they would fly in all directions for fear of the threatened invasion, and their dread of the Berbers waxed so greatly that it was instilled into their nature, and became in after times a prominent feature in their character. On the other side, the Berbers having been made acquainted with this ill-will and hatred of the people of Andalus towards them, hated and envied them the more
Whenever some of the scattered tribes of Berbers inhabiting along the northern coast of Africa happened to approach the sea shore, the fears and consternation of the Greeks [Iberians] would increase, they would fly in all directions for fear of the threatened invasion, and their dread of the Berbers waxed so greatly that it was instilled into their nature, and became in after times a prominent feature in their character. On the other side, the Berbers having been made acquainted with this ill-will and hatred of the people of Andalus towards them, hated and envied them the more