In advance of issuing orders for attacks above the 38th Parallel, Ridgway assembled corps and division commanders at his Yoju headquarters on March 27 to discuss courses of action that were now open to them or that they might be obliged to follow. The possibility of Soviet intervention again had been raised, he told them. According to a reputable foreign source, the Soviets planned to launch a large scale offensive in Korea near the end of April employing Soviet regulars of Mongolian extraction under the guise of volunteers. Ridgway doubted the accuracy of the report, but as a matter of prudence, since the Eighth Army might be ordered out of Korea in the event of Soviet intervention, he intended to pass the evacuation plan outlined by the Eighth Army staff in January to Corps' commanders for further development.
Не очень понятно, зачем буряты, когда там под миллион китайских ихтамнетов воевало.
тут нужно немного пояснить: эти слухи о вторжении советских боевых монголоидов стали появляться после того как на определенном этапе войны китайцы стали терпеть поражения и отступать. Потом они накопили сил и перешли в наступление безо всяких бурятов